Below are bats that are commonly found in Folsom American Little League that have the USA Baseball mark but have since been decertified and are no longer allowed in Little League activities. This list is not necessarily the complete list of decertified bats. Visit the
USA Baseball - Decertified Bats website for a complete list of decertified bats.
Update Effective May 3, 2018 - Easton Ghost X 30/20 2 5/8" decertified for use by USA Baseball
On Thursday, May 3, USA Baseball informed youth organizations, including Little League, that effective immediately, the bat identified as the Easton Ghost X YBB18GX10 30/20 2 5/8" (or the "Easton Ghost X 30/20 5/8" at retail) has been decertified by USA Baseball and is no longer an approved bat under the USABat Standard. This applies to the 30-inch drop 10 variation of the Easton Ghost X only. Pursuant to Rule 1.10, this is now an illegal bat. At the time of this decertification notice, all other lengths and drops of the Easton Ghost X bat remain approved for play.
All parents, coaches, and umpires must check their bats and remove these bats from play if they are in possession of these bats. Any questions regarding returns, refunds, or warranty claims for the Easton Ghost X 30/20 should be directed to Easton at [email protected]. Please visit for more information.
Official Easton Press Release
May 03, 2018
Thousand Oaks, Calif. (May 3, 2018) – Easton regrets to inform you that the Easton Ghost X, 30” -10 USA Baseball bat (model #’s YBB18GX10 30/20 & LL18GHX 30/20 Japan model) is no longer certified or approved by USA Baseball. Easton acknowledges full responsibility for this situation, and we seek to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
Please visit our website, to learn more about our efforts to deal with this decertification and your rights as a consumer.
If you purchased one of these bats, you can return it to us. We will provide you a mailing label that you can use to return your bat to us, at our cost. Upon receiving your bat, we will send you a $500 electronic voucher that you may use on You may use this voucher to purchase another bat, or any other Easton products available at, with free shipping. To return your bat and receive your voucher, please call us at 1-844-531-7079, or email us at
[email protected].
Please understand that is a decertification of the 30” size only, and that there are no structural problems or other defects with this bat. All other certified lengths & drop weights of the Easton Ghost X USA bat remain approved for play.
If you decide to keep your bat to use for other non-USA Baseball leagues, we are required to send you a permanent, non-removable sticker that you can use to cover the USA Baseball certification stamp. Please contact Easton at 1-844-531-7079, or email us at
[email protected], and we will send you this sticker with instructions on how to apply it.
Additional information may be found at USA Baseball’s USABat Youth Bat Standard website,